إصابة نتنياهو بفيروس كورونا

10 مارس 2022آخر تحديث :
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wearing a protective face maks, is pictured inside a courtroom at the district court of Jerusalem on May 24, 2020, during the first day of his corruption trial. - Fresh from forming a new government after more than 500 days of electoral deadlock, Netanyahu is expected to begin a new battle in the Jerusalem District Court -- to stay out of prison. The 70-year-old was scheduled to appear at a court hearing to formally confirm his identity to judges, after being indicted in January for bribery, fraud and breach of trust. (Photo by RONEN ZVULUN / POOL / AFP)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wearing a protective face maks, is pictured inside a courtroom at the district court of Jerusalem on May 24, 2020, during the first day of his corruption trial. - Fresh from forming a new government after more than 500 days of electoral deadlock, Netanyahu is expected to begin a new battle in the Jerusalem District Court -- to stay out of prison. The 70-year-old was scheduled to appear at a court hearing to formally confirm his identity to judges, after being indicted in January for bribery, fraud and breach of trust. (Photo by RONEN ZVULUN / POOL / AFP)

صوت الشباب 10-03-2022    ذكرت صحيفة يديعوت أحرونوت العبرية مساء أمس الأربعاء أن رئيس المعارضة الإسرائيلية بنيامين نتنياهو قد أصيب بفايروس كورونا.

ووفقاً للصحيفة العبرية، أجرى نتنياهو البالغ نت العمر (72 عاما) فحصاً مخبرياً PCR أمس أظهر إصابته بكورونا.

وجاء في بيان صادر عن مكتبه أنه على ما يرام وأنه كان يتبع التعليمات الصادرة عن وزارة الصحة، كما حرص مؤخرًا على ارتداء القناع والابتعاد عن أعضاء الكنيست أثناء وجوده في الكنيست.

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